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  4. Penny Hydraulics

Temporary warehouse for Penny Hydraulics

Future-proof with increased stock levels
“I know that if I need extra space, Smart-Space are the ones to deliver a quality package on time and at a fair price”
2020-10-15 10:15:00 2021-03-18 15:53:26
temporary-warehouse-interior--pen003-1-1 Extra storage

It has been a pleasure working with Smart-Space to improve our business. From initial enquiry through to commissioning of the building, the staff are helpful, friendly and most importantly knowledgeable.

I now know that if I need extra space then Smart-Space are the ones to deliver a quality package on-time and at a fair price.

Robin Penny, Managing Director
Penny Hydraulics

Temporary warehouse for Penny Hydraulics
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See the full Penny Hydraulics case study here.

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