Steel clad temporary car showroom building
Believe it or not this is a temporary building, but with some permanent building features. The temporary showroom building is steel clad. A temporary solution that looks permanent.
Thermo-roof warehouse buildings joined with gutter
Like so many companies seeing an up-turn in business, Arken POP (point of purchase) were in need of additional warehouse space - and they needed it fast.
Temporary storage building for BJ Toys
BJ Toys required some additional temporary storage space. We supplied a 20 x 20 metres temporary storage building to help them cope with increased demand.
Temporary car showroom building
Here we show a Temporary Car Showroom Building during construction through to completion
Abru temporary storage building
A leading manufacturer of ladders and access equipment in the UK required some temporary storage space. We provided them with this substantial temporary storage building.
Temporary storage building
We squeezed this long temporary storage building alongside an existing building to substantially increase their storage space.
Point-of-purchase company temporary storage building
Temporary Building For Point-of-Purchase Manufacturer
Gusbourne Estate grape pressing room
We were approached by Gusbourne Estate of Appledore In Kent, as they were looking to create a cover for a brand new wine press, they had invested heavily in – urgently!
Amey Rail temporary re-locatable workshop
This is a Temporary Re-locatable Locomotive Workshop. Eventually it will be be re-located to another of the clients sites. We provided both the building and the flexibility they needed
Decontamination processing temporary building
Temporary Building For Chemical Manufacturer