Project Outline
We were approached by Amey Rail to supply a temporary building to serve as a temporary Locomotive workshop for the Swindon High Output Operation Base (HOOB).
We supplied a second, smaller temporary building which will serve as a storage area which will be fitted with racking to store the supply of materials and equipment.
Building Details
Buildings Supplied: Temporary
Maintenance Workshop: 10m x 50m x 6m Air-Insulated
Maintenance Stores: 5m x 15m x 6m Air-Insulated

The client decided to purchase our re-locatable temporary buildings because they have plans to use them on the Swindon site for two years, when it is planned to move them on to another site.
This is a prime example of when it’s best to use a temporary building, as the client are actually using it as it was designed, i.e; to be moved from site to site.

So likewise, if you have an application where you know there’s a specific time-frame in mind, and you will want to have the temporary building re-located at some point in the future, this is the type of temporary building we recommend.