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Temporary warehouse - D & G Joinery

This company wanted to increase its production space. The solution was to provide a Temporary Warehouse building on hire to free up internal space for production to meet the increased demand
2012-02-06 11:35:00 2017-05-01 07:32:31
Joinery-warehouse-tpdg-01 Temporary warehouse - D & G Joinery

Relocatable Temporary Warehouse - Storage Building

This Nottingham based joinery company won a new contract to supply the local authority with furniture and needed additional space for production at their premises.

So they have hired a 400sq mtr re-locatable temporary warehouse building, which they are using to store raw materials which were inside their factory, to free up space for additional production space.

With a thermo-insulated roof and 38mm insulated steel wall cladding, there are no worries about condensation and it has enabled them to increase their space capacity without any ground preparation because the temporary storage building is bolted to their existing surface.

The transluscent white PVC roof covers give plenty of natural daylight, although we supplied 7 x 400 watt lights to provide additional lighting throughout the winter months.

Portable Venues (Group) Ltd

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Building options available

Here we outline the building options available on this type of building

  • Thermo-insulated roof
  • 38mm insulated sandwich panel
  • 400w sodium spotlights

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