Environmental Solution
I thought you might like to see the result of a contract we recently completed at Linecross Ltd in Rutland.....

Because, due to the rural location of the factory, the local planning department were very conscious of the need for the buildings to blend in with the green belt environment.
To overcome this, we supplied the buildings with grey roof covers, and olive green walls, and now; three weeks since arriving on site, Linecross have got an additional 19000 sq ft of secure, covered space.....
Another complication was the limited space within which we could erect the buildings because the entire floor area where the buildings were installed were used for outside racking...
Our installation team overcame this by building part of the structure, enabling the Linecross staff to store the goods undercover, and also clear the area for the next phase of the build....
Another important point we had to consider were the new CDM regulations, which are more stringent now than ever before, especially if a contract takes a certain number of man hours, or indeed, spans over a specific period of time....
If you'd like any advice on the points I've mentioned, whether it's available colours, or indeed, the CDM regs, let me know and I'll do all I can to help you....