Do you (or your marketing people), ever admit to being anything less than perfect?
We do, and here’s one such example.:

15mtr x 50mtr x 6mtr temporary building for
LV shipping, Aberdeen

That’s a brand new temporary building we’ve just supplied to a firm in Aberdeen
And as you can see, it’s all completed with racking in place, ready to receive the goods to be operational.
It was erected onto their existing concrete base, and was installed in just five days from start to finish.
The customer is delighted with the outcome. So much so, he took the time to write to us – in his own words – telling us exactly what he thought.

See that last paragraph, where he says “it does however have a little bit of water seepage around the base of the walls”….
That’s precisely what I’m talking about when I say we’re not perfect – every time..
But who is, in reality? And that’s why we really pride ourselves on the on-going aftercare whilst our buildings are on a customer’s site.
So if you ever get to compare one temporary building supplier and another, I strongly recommend you take a long hard look at the aftercare provided.
Because I can assure you; it won’t be a question of ‘if’, you’re going to need it; it’s going to be a case of ‘when’.
And whilst I won’t guarantee we will get it 100% perfect first time around, I will absolutely guarantee we will get there in the end, and subsequently be on hand with after care and for any maintenance required for as long as you have the building.
And how can you put a price on that?