Smart-Space Instant Buildings
When constant temperatures and working conditions matter

When constant temperatures and working conditions matter

Some advice when selecting from the Smart-Space range of buildings
2021-06-21 23:00:00 2021-07-22 09:27:54
Interim building used for car showroom New interim vehicle showroom

We supply instant buildings of all kinds, from small structures to enormous spaces with up to 60m of uninterrupted work and storage area. So, size and shape-wise you can have whatever you like but it’s the finish and detail that separates our buildings. They are all excellent quality but your final choice of which level to opt for is determined by a number of factors. The good news is that, if those factors should change, you can alter your agreement with us, at any point.

Do you need consistent temperatures?

No question, you’ll need an interim building if you need an insulated space. These are usually in situations where any product stored needs to be at a constant temperature. More usually though, it’s when you have people working inside and you need to be able to heat it efficiently.

We supply temporary buildings with inflated roofs and yes, these do retain heat to a certain degree. These are often referred to as having a ‘thermo-roof’ which we believe is misleading as it implies a certain level of heat. The term has been adopted by multiple European suppliers to almost make you think you have an insulated building. The fact is that it’s two pieces of PVC hot welded together to form an air envelope. Think bouncy castle. Thermo-roof not a term we use. And yes, they do retain the heat but it’s not at a predictable or constant temperature. Its thermal performance is negligible.

Some of our clients certainly have people working inside a temporary building, although not all are hardy enough to work in them all day long, all year round! We know of several where they include focused heaters in specific areas but in almost all cases this type of heating is used sparingly.

This is where the next level of building - the interim - comes into its own

Our interim structures have a roof made up of composite panels. The term ‘composite’ comes from the way it’s made: two layers of steel which sandwich insulated foam. The walls are also made up of composite aluminium panels and this package means the building is much more efficient in terms of heating. It also, therefore, has a measurable U value (the rating used for insulation levels).

Comparing the practicalities

The roof on a Smart-Space interim building includes skylights so you still get the benefits of the light and airy temporary structure with the added benefits of the composite roof panels.

From a security and stability point of view, the steel panelled roof is an improvement on the inflatable roof but if you need a high fire rating and complete security, ask us about our permanent buildings – for which you’ll need to own the land of course.

The cost of an interim is slightly more to install (due to regulations over working at height) but the rental costs aren’t so much different to a temporary structure. And if you own the land, ask us to do a cost comparison to see the difference if you were to buy the building outright instead of renting. We offer the option to change from rental to purchase at any time so this might also become an option if the building proves to be more long-term than you’d originally anticipated.

We supply interim buildings from stock held in our warehouse so your install will always be quick and efficient. They are secured to the ground using bolts or spikes.

Generous with our knowledge

Talk to us if you’re unsure about which building is right for you – we can chat on the phone and then follow up with a quick site visit to make sure we are giving you the absolute best advice. We’ve been doing this for more than thirty years and we have experience of most situations. We can tell you what’s possible, provide the options and cost comparisons and help you work out what’s best for your specific set of requirements.



Portable Venues (Group) Ltd

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