Looking at the picture below, you could be excused for thinking it looks just like any other warehouse you’d see on your travels.

But you’d be mistaken, because the company who have recently had this new building installed by us, have bought it for indoor Fork-lift truck driver training.

That’s right. The weather’s been so bad of late, they have improvised and had this new building built to enable them to carry with their courses - undercover.
And theirs is just one example of how business has been affected by this incredibly poor run of weather we’re all enduring.
And like them, if this dreadful weather’s causing you untold losses in trading…
Or giving rise to costly returns due to weather damage…
Or that those sheets you’ve been using to cover palletised goods or finished products, have finally flown away…
Let us know and we’ll find a solution for you.
Whether it’s just for a few months until we can all break out the sun-cream…
Or for years to come because it’s an on-going problem.
Give Jason a call on 01827 330000 or email him at jason@smart-space.co.uk and he’ll do his best to help you.
We can’t do anything to change the weather, but we CAN change the impact it might be having on your company.
All we need is a call.
Over to you