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Quick turnaround when you need temporary buildings

Quick turnaround when you need temporary buildings

Temporary buildings are an excellent short-term solution to commercial and industrial space requirements.
Whatever reason you have for needing temporary space, our job is to fulfil your order and install your building as quickly as possible.
2018-08-07 05:00:00 2018-08-06 21:17:56
quick-turnaround-when-purchasing-temporary-buildings Quick Turnaround on Temporary Buildings

Temporary buildings are an excellent short-term solution to commercial and industrial space requirements. Our customers are a diverse group, but the one thing they have in common is they normally need their buildings in a hurry. This may be to accommodate seasonal demand, or to provide extra capacity to bridge a gap while more permanent facilities are being sourced. Growth is a good problem to have. Unfortunately, some customers also require temporary buildings for emergency purposes, following a fire, flood or structural issue.

Whatever reason you have for needing temporary space, our job is to fulfil your order and install your building as quickly as possible. There is no sense in having to wait 6 to 10 weeks for a supplier to ship your components from abroad and fit you around their busy schedule – but that’s what a lot of companies seem to expect you to do.

Rental Buildings Always In Stock

We simplify the whole process, starting at the supply side. If you have been given a long lead time by another supplier this will be for two reasons:
1) Either the business makes all their temporary buildings to order, holding little or no stock for emergency use, or;
2) The supplier has to import some or all of the building components in from a third party. These could be based in the UK or elsewhere. Either way, by ordering from such a supplier you place yourself at the mercy of delivery schedules completely beyond your control.

To avoid this we keep all temporary rental building components in stock at our base in Warwickshire. These can be assembled into whatever size and configuration you require without you having to wait.

In House Installation Team

Long lead times can also arise if a supplier keeps their own stock but depends on a third party installation team to get your building to site. Using third parties isn’t a bad thing; the practice enables small manufacturers to service clients in other parts of the country while keeping costs at a reasonable level. However, it does push schedules back – often by several weeks – and you lose some accountability when you are not working with the supplier directly. The supplier may not be able to verify the quality of the work on site with a third party, and it could take time to redress any issues.

These are risks we’re not willing to take. We directly employ a fully trained installation teams with the vehicles and equipment necessary to put a building together for you at extremely short notice, anywhere in the mainland UK. We have the capacity to carry out several separate installations at once, so you will rarely experience any delay.

From Order to Completion In 1 – 3 Weeks

Our buildings are fast to put up, so most orders can be completed in as little as 7 to 21 days from order to arrival on site. This makes our buildings ideal for accommodating urgent needs. To find out more or to discuss the type of building you need, please call 0808 274 2872.

Portable Venues (Group) Ltd

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