outside, with complete weather protection.
Have you got this problem?
Have you ever thought you could use a temporary building, but were put off because your ground slopes, and you thought it wouldn’t work?
There is actually a very simple way around the problem as you can see in the picture below.

heights to compensate for sloping ground
away from building

water to escape
This 15mtr x 7.5mtr pallet transit building has enabled the company who bought it to store their finished goods outside, with complete protection from the weather.
And the walls were cut short, to enable the water to run through the building, into their drainage system.
So if you are looking for ways to free up space inside your buildings – maybe where you’re currently storing finished goods – this is a fast, and cost effective solution to the problem.
As ever, a quotation won’t cost you a penny, and you never know, you might just be pleasantly surprised at how little it costs to solve what could be, a major problem.
I hope so, anyway. And if you would like to discuss how we could do the same or similar for you, give Jason a call or email us.