is might seem like a contentious subject given we live in a globalised world with hardly any barriers or borders for trade.
And it’s fair to say there are very few products we buy which aren’t influenced or supplied without components from elsewhere in the world.
And for a one-off transaction where on-going support and service isn’t a factor, you could argue the case for geography not playing a part in your decision making process.
But when it comes to temporary buildings - especially when you rent as opposed to buy - we think it does pay to ‘Buy British’….And for good reason….
Yes, we are the only independently wholly owned and operated BRITISH temporary buildings company. You might find that somewhat surprising, but it’s true.
Believe me; we’re certainly not a bunch of ‘Brexiteers’ on a rant; far from it. But when it comes to relocatable and demountable buildings, I believe the fact we’re based here, with an entire stock-holding of equipment, British sourced components, and a full-time directly employed team of staff, gives you a level of confidence and comfort you simply can’t get when you buy from an overseas based company with a UK sales office.
First off, they have to import the building you wish to hire or buy, and then they have to employ sub-contract installers to install the building at your premises – which is how they keep their prices so low.
And whilst the low prices you are quoted may be very appealing initially, can they actually deliver as quickly as you need it? What happens when there are parts missing, and what happens when (not if) there’s a maintenance issue once the building is finally installed?
Because an easily and often overlooked consideration when you hire or buy a relocatable, demountable building is; it’s not going to be a maintenance-free experience.
The very nature of the beast is such, a door will jam, a wall panel will get damaged, a roof cover could well deflate…..These things all happen, and all too often, as you will find.
But that’s not a problem when you buy from us because we’re here, and on hand seven days a week, 365 days a year to support you however and whenever you need us….In fact, we even have a dedicated department for maintenance and repairs.
Better still, when you rent a relocatable (temporary) building from us, we offer this unique service guarantee: If you call to report a fault or request a maintenance call out and if we fail to attend within 24 hours of the agreed time, you will receive one week’s rent absolutely FREE!
You know, I’ve heard it said – especially from large company buyers – “these aren’t my problems…These are procurement’s problems…If they haven’t procured properly, that’s their problem; I’m just here to get the best deal – and you’re one of three companies I’ve been told to call”
But what is the best deal? Is it simply the cheapest, or is it to find the company who are there to support you for the entire duration of the building being at your premises and give you on-going service and support?
May not seem like a big deal right now, but wait until your building is erected and there’s a storm force wind, or forklift incident, or a visiting lorry driver who decides to rearrange your wall cladding; and then tell me you don’t think it matters about the on-going service you receive from your supplier.
Unbelievably, I’ve even had one guy call and ask if we could change the position of a roller shutter door on a building he bought from a competitor, as he called them numerous times and his calls were never returned…
More recently still, we had a call from a guy who told us we’d been unsuccessful with our quote but the company his board decided to go with, could not create the join to connect to his existing building, so he called us to ask if we could quote to do this!
Seriously; wonders never cease. And maybe I am biased, but I know for certain if you become a customer of ours, you can rest easily every night knowing we’re only a phone call away to solve any issue you may be having - and we even back it up with a money incentivised guarantee.
So let me ask you…..What price peace of mind? I don’t think you can put a price on that, and that’s why we believe when it comes to relocatable (temporary) buildings……It really does pay to buy British.