In November 2016 we stated to automate the process of getting feedback from our customers. This feedback is essential as we supply temporary buildings on both a purchase and hire basis.
A Service Company
Our commitment to you, our customers does not stop upon supply of the building. We are a service company committed to providing continued support for the life of the building.
Client feedback is an essential part of any business operation. With this we can quickly and efficiently address any issues our customers may have. We thought you might be interested in what our customers said.
The diagram to the left shows the overall rating we recovered on the following Scale:
- Extremely Positive
- Very Positive
- Positive
- Neither Positive or Negative
- Negative
- Very Negative
- Extremely Negative
At the time of writing a whopping 100% of all respondents had a positive experience with us. 98.0% had an extremely or very positive experience on all aspects of our service.
99.4% of respondents would recommend Smart-Space to a friend or colleague with 72.1% extremely likely to and 25.9% very likely.
So, if you are looking for a company with a proven track record. You need look no further.
A big thanks to all those who took the time to respond. An un-doctored survey summary follows.
Here is the Survey Summary:
100% of respondents thought our company was extremely responsive or very responsive
100% of respondents were very or extremely satisfied with our company employees
100% of respondents thought our representatives understood and solved their space problems
100% of respondents thought our company convenient to use
99.4% of respondents thought our company understood their needs
99.3% of respondents thought our company was either professional, very professional or extremely professional.
As a consequence, 99.4% of respondents would recommend Smart-Space, with 90.5% scoring us 8 or above. The results were as below on a scale of 0-10 on how likely respondents would recommend us