Working on the wild side
When experience and a safety culture counts for everything.
We work in some interesting places. Supplying instant buildings, especially for warehousing and storage, means we do a lot of routine installs on client premises – all using our skills, experience and attention to detail. However, we have also been involved in all sorts of unexpected projects that have called for a little bit more from us. Clients with specific requirements or unusual environments know they need to find a business who can tick a lot of boxes - going way beyond straightforward building supply.
We recently completed a fascinating job in Taiwan where our client was installing offshore wind turbines. This environmental project needed temporary storage for the colossal turbine parts between their delivery and being shipped out to sea. This was an extremely sensitive site so the Smart-Space building was chosen for security as well as practical storage.
Some of our installations require us to work via a Tier-1 construction company, something we are comfortable with and have lots of experience of. These might also involve multiple agencies such as Sherwood School in Leeds where we worked with the school, local council, contractors, insurance company and other stakeholders.
A coastal installation for the RNLI pictured above meant we were needed to erect a temporary life-guarding station and storage for the lifeguards’ beach vehicle. This was a short-term hire that involved a Tier-1 contractor, the RNLI and Smart-Space. Situated on the beach (of course), we had to consider access, working in a public space, the terrain and effects of such an exposed site.
Leeds Bradford Airport
During lockdown we worked airside with Leeds Bradford Airport. They needed to add additional in/out buildings as part of their customer experience, ensuring all guidelines were managed and passengers were checked in and out compliantly. Working airside required a particular set of health and safety procedures to be satisfied for which the team was highly praised.
We have worked at several nuclear plants including Hinkley Point, Dungerness who was understandably demanding in its rigorous health and safety processes. We believe that having a really strong safety focus that forms part of our company’s culture takes you most of the way. The ability to listen, absorb and adapt to any specific customer needs is the next part and then upholding and executing incredibly high levels of care complete the picture.
Without exception, all of our customers employ high levels of health and safety and expect the same in return. Some present their requirements site-wide with visible reminders at every turn – these are usually sites where machinery and hazards are more prevalent. Smurfitt Kappa in Diss, Norfolk, are an example of this – a business that lives and breathes good practice. Feedback tells us that the Smart-Space team presents itself impeccably - from initial site surveys and meetings, installation and follow up maintenance visits.
Temporary Church Building
As well as the differing but exacting demands of these diverse sectors we include less obvious installs in our list of different places we’ve worked. A pop-up Kosher supermarket, a temporary church building, several interim fire stations, a community building for Tamworth Scouts and many, many schools.
Kosher supermarket
All of these situations (and many more) have called upon us to think slightly out of the box and harness our skills as an experienced and harmonious business. We make sure we have the right product in the right place with the support of invested people, correct paperwork and faultless skills. We honestly believe you have to be stand-out good to be able to consistently and successfully achieve these kinds of installations.
Experience and a directly employed team means we can integrate into any situation safely and effectively - although it’s not just about health and safety. Working with any business calls several factors into play – professionalism, communication skills, integrity and transparency, responsiveness and care. Hats off to the Smart-Space people - they bring all that together and more.